jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Ways to choose a job

There are four ways to sort and classify jobs:

By favourite subject:
Maths, science, English, History…

By industrial sector:
-         Management
o       Human resource managers, retail trade managers, restaurant managers, construction managers
-         Business, finance, and administration
o       Financial planner, securities agent, computer operator, teller
-         Natural and applied science
o       Engineer, computer programmer, industrial designer, chemical engineer
-         Health, social science, and education
o       Pharmacist, dental assistant, nurse, lawyer, teacher, historian
-         Culture and recreation
o       Translator, artist, public relation, personal trainer
-         Trades and transport operations
o       Electrician, roofer, construction worker, plumber
-         Manufacturing and utilities
o       Welder, motor vehicle assembler, electronic assembler, plastic product fabricator.
-         Sales and service
o       Chef, hairstylist, travel agent, real state agent.

By National Occupational Classification (NOC)
The Canadian government’s system that categorizes 27,291 different jobs using a four digit coding system. You can learn a lot about a job only reading his noc.
-         The first number denotes the skill type
2.-Natural and applied sciences
3.-Health occupations
4.-Social Science, education, government service, and religion
5.-Art, culture, recreation, and sport
6.-Sales and service
7.-Trades, transport, equipment operators
8.-Primary industry
9.-Processing, manufacturing, and utilities
-         The second number denotes the skill level
1.-University education
2 or 3.-College level education including trade appreticeship
4 or 5.-Secondary school + a period of job specific training
6.-Short work demonstration or no formal education required
-         The third number denotes the minor group
-         The fourth number denotes the unit group

By people, data and things:
-         People: teacher, lawyer, social worker, doctor, hairstylist
-         Data: computer programmer, mathematician, data analyst, astronomer
-         Things: carpenter, auto mechanic, artist, cartographer

*Why might it be important for job seekers to research a career field or sector, not just one specific occupation?
-         Several careers opportunities
-         More options to choose in a sector
-         Transfer same skills for jobs in same sector
-         A great way to narrow your job search
-         Determinate what jobs will be suited to you

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