miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

World War II

1.- Rise of the nazy party (1918 – 1933)
During the fourteen years following the end of World War I, the nazy party grew form a small political group to the most powerful party in Germany.

2.- Nazification (1933 – 1939)
Once Hitler became Chancellor and later Reichsführer, the Nazi party quickly changed Germany’s political, social and economy structure.

3.- The Ghettos (1939 – 1941)
Conflicting lews to ghettos was another critical step in Hitler’s final solution.

4.- The Camps (1941 – 1942)
The concentration camps were Hitler’s final step in the annihilation of the lews.

5.- Resistance (1942 – 1944)
People resisted by any means possible, from stealing a slice of bread to sabotaging Nazi installations.

6.- Aftermatch (1945 - )
After the war, Nazi perpetrators faced punishment for their war crimes and survivors begun rebuilding their lives.

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