sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Growth in Canadian business

Changes that have helped Canadian business grow
Changing technology
-         Over the last 150 years, tech has changes at a rapid rate; during the 1800s uses for electricity were discovered.
-         During 1900s, new techs gave us refrigeration, airplanes, plastic, atomic energy, computers…
-         Recent changes have been so great that the phenomenon is called “Technological revolution”.
-         Information gives companies a competitive edge. New devices allow fast access so that business can operate efficiently and quickly. “Information age”.
Increased globalization (Doing business internationally)
-         International trade has been around since the 1600s
-         Sent fish to Europe
-         Canada do business with many countries
-         Many foreign business operate in Canada

Growth of small business

Small business: a business that is independently operated, not dominant in its field, and meets certain size limits in terms of employees and annual sales.
-         Fewer than 50 employees
-         Increased in home-based small business

Growth of the service sector

-         More small business are offering services
-         People have more money and less time
-         Aging population requires more services

Growing concern for the environment

-         Canadian business are required to follow certain rules and regulations
-         Provide business opportunities

Growing ethics and social responsability

-         Ethics: standards of conduct that society believes people should follow
-         Social responsibility: the duty to care for others whose action can by affected in a damaging way.