miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Qualities of a successful business person

There are four main qualities of a successful business person should have:

1.- Risk taking

See problem as opportunities. This risk-taking should be calculated, not foolhardy. You need to examine advantages and disadvantages before you act.

Example: Dennis Hurd of Atlantic Submarine International, though that tourists in places like Hawaii, Barbados... would be interested in exploring the coral reefs and fish. Hurd was right, his fleet has grown to 14 submarines and his business had become $20 million.

2.- Vision and passion

Without vision and passion many products that we enjoy today, would not exist. The ability to recognize trends and market demands long before others is a characteristic of some of the most creative successful business person.

Example: Dave Zakutin invented the radar-ball for baseball, that measures the speed. Now, most of the teams use it.

3.- Perseverance

It is the drive and determination you need to have if you want to turn your ideas into reality, to solve problems and to achieve your goals. All successful business person must have it to avoid all obstacles they may have.

Example: Thomas Edison invented the bulb after more than 500 attempts.

4.- Teamwork

In many work places, people work in teams. Today managers are less likely to tell people what to do and more likely to serve as a coach. In today’s world managers and employees share decisions.

Example: Boeing used teams of employees to build its 777 airplane

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