miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

The workplace community

Health safety program

A good health safety program should be:
-         Preventative
-         Include training for workers
-         Regular inspections by professionals
-         Process for reacting swiftly to accidents and injuries

Legislations and reports about non-healthy safety conditions

-         The Occupational Health and Safety Act of Canada is the legislation that specifies regulations that business must follow.
-         Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) stands for employees should be trained to use safely any hazardous materials or machinery they will work with.
-         You have to report your workplace injuries to:
o       A) Supervisor
o       B) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity in the workplace means that every person has a right to freedom form discrimination in employment.
Some of the groups that have been discriminated are women, lews, black men, people with physical disabilities and aboriginal people.
What to do if you are discriminated
You must contact the Human Right Commission.

Film in relation with health and safety workplace: Norma Rae

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