sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Types of decision making


The leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote. Majority vote will decide the action.


The leader maintains a total control and ownership of the decision. 

Consensual // Collaborative

The leader gives up total control of the decision and the complete groups is totally involved in the decision. The leader is not individually responsible for the outcome.


The leader involves the members of the organization, although outside information is considered, the leader alone makes the decision.

Advantages and Disadvantages



-Fairly fast decision
-Certain amount of group participation.
-No individual responsibility
-Very fast decision
-Personal responsibility by the leader
-Less than the desired effort from the people that must carry out the decision
-Leader may lose credibility
-Teamwork. Responsibility of the outcome.
-Everyone has a stake in the decision
-Many different points may give a more accurate decision
-Very slow decision
-Too much time
-A lot of work getting everyone involved.
-Some group participation
-Many different points may give a more accurate decision
-Personal responsibility by the leader.
-A fairly slow decision

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