sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Pay it forward

    The film “Pay it forward” is about a child, called Trevor. Most young children want to change the world for the better, and Trevor's teacher gives him the opportunity to do so. His social science teacher gave him an assignment for all the course to think of something that could change the world. Trevor's idea was not to pay back a good action, but to pay it forward to three more people else and to do it for nothing in return. This kind of actions, with no pay back expected, only a pay it forward, created an outward, positive force of change; change for the good, kind of a utopia world. Trevor tried and managed to help three different people.  At the end of the movie, Trevor is killed by a stab. The director tries to show us that this idea and the world that Trevor tries to create  is too much utopian.

I believe the concept of pay it forward is quite interesting. It is all about passing it on.  Instead or paying "back" someone for a good deed they instead do a good deed for 3 more people and so on. It does not have to be big, or take lots of time, it can be something really simple. But do it, because kindness is usually contagious. When people feel good, they tend to do good. As people do good to others,  there are more chances the receivers will also do good to others. This creates a cycle of kindness and charitable acts. No matter how small, each act even though the smallest, has the power to transform a community, a city, or even the world, into a better place.

It can be the simplest of things that work to improve the current or future state of an another individual. Imagine for a moment that you are having a bad day. The smallest, most minuscule, compliment from a stranger may brighten your day. These random acts of kindness can transform a negative attitude. They can changed all our day.

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